This was a very challenging project that I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work on while at 2C. Nickelodeon wanted to create spots promoting merchandising linked to their hit series “Blue’s Clues”. The challenge was that the spots were filmed during Covid lockdown so the equipment had to be shipped to the ideal family who could direct via remote feedback, had a child talent and a home that fit the needs of the spots. Once we had those ingredients I worked as the VFX supervisor to make sure that the production was able to capture the needed plates for the spots. As the lead motion graphic artist, I oversaw the team and had to create character animations using the full 3D rig of the main character from the studio and make sure the performances fit with the shows style. Putting on my other hat as the VP of Operations I was responsible for budgeting, scheduling, and managing the entire team brought to bear on this exciting project. It was a challenge but a lot of fun.